Afghan Black Hash



Kupite afganistanski črni hašiš

afghan black hash | Hašiš se proizvaja praktično povsod v Afganistanu in okolici. Najboljše vrste hašiša izvirajo iz severnih provinc med Hindukušem in rusko mejo (Balkh, Mazar-i-Sharif).

Rastline, ki se uporabljajo za pridelavo hašiša, so zelo majhne in grmaste Indice. V Afganistanu hašiš stiskajo ročno po dodatku majhne količine čaja ali vode. Hašiš se obdeluje, dokler ne postane zelo elastičen in ima močan aromatičen vonj. V Afganistanu je izdelek shranjen v obliki Hash-Balls (ker ima okrogla krogla najmanj stika z zrakom), vendar se Hash pred odpremo stisne v 100g plošče. Dobre lastnosti afganistanca so podpisane s steblom proizvajalke družine.afganistanski črni haš

Hashish is produced practically everywhere in and around Afghanistan. The best kinds of Hash originate from the Northern provinces between Hindu Kush and the Russian border (Balkh, Mazar-i-Sharif).

The plants which are used for Hash production are very small and bushy Indicas. In Afghanistan Hashish is pressed by hand after the addition of a small quantity of tea or water. The Hashish is worked on until it becomes highly elastic and has a strong aromatic smell. In Afghanistan the product is stored in the form of Hash-Balls (because a round ball has the least contact with air), however, before being shipped, the Hash is pressed in 100g slabs. Good qualities of Afghani are signed with the stem of the producing family.


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